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Kansas Board of Nursing Review – March 25, 2014
Reviewed by Sedation Certification – December 28, 2023
State Sedation Policy – Yes
Can RN’s give sedation? – Yes
Can RN’s give Propofol/Ketamine? – Yes


Contact the Board of Nursing if you have any questions!


It is within the scope of practice as a Kansas licensed registered professional nurse (RN) to administer pharmacologic agents via the intravenous route to produce moderate sedation/analgesia, also referred to as IV “conscious sedation.”

KSA 65-1113(d) (1) authorizes a RN to provide medical treatment and to execute a medical regimen as prescribed by someone licensed to practice medicine and surgery. Receiving an order and administering an IV med is the execution of a medical regimen and is allowed when following a lawful physician’s order.

The action is not prohibited by KSA 65-1151 and sequence that defines the practice of a registered nurse anesthetist. Kansas Attorney General Opinion No. 2000-26 states that “a physician may delegate to a person other than a registered nurse anesthetist the task of application of a drug used as an anesthetic if, in the physician’s judgment that person is competent and qualified by training, experience or licensure to perform the task and the physician adequately supervises performance of the task.”

If practice is questioned the RN must be ready to prove the following:

  1. documentation of education specific to the procedure and the pharmacologic agents utilized
  2. documentation of skill/competence in the procedure and with the medications involved
  3. confirmation of the physician’s order to execute the medical regimen
  4. the procedure was not prohibited by a facility policy and procedure or by some other entity
  5. the standard of care is and was being met. Industry standards are considered
  6. the nurse has complied with the appropriate facility policies and procedures covering this process

The RN has an independent obligation under her/his license to monitor patient safety and to question or decline orders or procedures that may put the patient at risk. Refusal to assist with IV conscious sedation is based on an individual’s professional judgment. A refusal to assist shall not be actionable as a licensing issue if the nurse in the determination of the Board has followed a process that assures the patient’s safety and protection.

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